Hi! My name is Xue. I'm pursuing a degree in Computer Science with minors in Design and Cinema Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. Feel free to check out my personal website: xue.super.site!
This portfolio website is designed and developed completely by me on Vue.js and libraries such as THREE.js and anime.js, with all 3D assets created from scratch using Blender. Shoutout to Vercel for hosting this website for free!
Credits: the website's original idea is inspired by bokoko33.me
Check out more of my art!
More of my CS projects.
Demo here. It's like NYT Connections, but for movie lovers! This is a silly web-app I built with my beloved teammates in Penn Spark, featuring a movie-themed mini-game inspired by NYT Connections, and a search catalog connected to IMDb API.
Demo here. An original video game designed and developed by a team of five, in which I was the team producer and one of the two programmers.